John Mahama Named Government Official Number 1 in Airbus Scandal but Exonerated By OSP Mr. Kissi Agyebeng

airbus scandal osp exonerates john mahama and brother

Special Prosecutor Mr. Kissi Agyebeng  has cleared former President John Dramani Mahama and brother Adam Mahama from any acts of corruption in the controversial Airbus bribery scandal.

The OSP emphatically stated that though the former president and brother were involved in the communications and meetings with officials of Airbus, but such engagement did not yield any wrongdoing or corruption as per their investigations.

Background to the Airbus Scandal Involving John Mahama and Adam Mahama

In 2020, former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu accused Mr Mahama as the mysterious ‘Government Official 1’ in the scandal that trailed the procurement of aircraft from manufacturer Airbus for the Government of Ghana. The revelation by Martin Amidu tainted the former President’s credibility as well as his brother Adam Mahama also sparking controversial debates in the country.

Mr. Kissi Agyebeng, the current Special Prosecutor of Ghana in his latest update on the Airbus bribery scandal, has exonerated the former president and his brother in any wrongdoing and bribery. He however expressed concern over Mr Mahama’s engagement with Airbus officials in the purchase of the aircraft may have engendered  potential conflicts of interest and the appearance of improper conduct.

Special Prosecutor Mr. Kissi Agyebeng ‘s Comments Exonerating John Dramani Mahama in Airbus Scandal

The OSP investigation found no evidence that former President Mahama was involved or played any role in the procurement and maintenance of the agency relationship between Airbus and Foster and his associates in respect of the purchase by the Government of Ghana of military transport aircraft from Airbus.


And it appears to the OSP that the direct communications and meetings between former President Mahama and officials of Airbus to close the deal were actuated by good intentions on the part of the former, It ought reasonably to have occurred to former President Mahama and the Government of Ghana that the familial relationship between former President Mahama and Foster and the direct participation by former President Mahama in the communications and meetings with Airbus officials were bound to raise reasonable suspicions of improper conduct and dealings notwithstanding any claims to good faith conduct and above board dealings, he said

Some individuals in the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) have maintained their stance that the former president was involved in the bribery scandal.

Meanwhile the President has debunked such claims further asking the ruling party to prosecute him if it thinks he is culpable of any wrongdoing.

Watch Video: Mr. Kissi Agyebeng Clears John Mahama and Adam Mahama in Airbus Scandal Ghana


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