Sad! The shocking cause of the death of Junka Town Star Yoghurt revealed

whatsapp image 2024 06 11 at 5.52.13 pm

The death of Actor Yoghurt from Junka Town Fame is still a surprise to many Ghanaians.


The actor, who starred in the popular comic TV series Junka Town, became a sensation due to his exceptional acting skills and the significant impact he had on the series.

He was loved by all and had a massive following on social media, so his death is causing pain and emotional instability for fans and family.

Following his death, many Ghanaians have wondered what could have possibly ended the life of the young man who was full of life and famous.

Details from close associates reveal that he had a boil in his throat, which made it very difficult for him to swallow food or drink due to the pain.

Possible Cause of Death of Junka Town Star Yoghurt

He made a video while he was alive to show his problem, but it was taken as a joke because people thought he was creating content, despite his genuine illness.

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