Ghana: National Service Secretariat (NSS) Announces  Personnel Deployment to US, UK in New Exchange Policy

ghana: national service secretariat (nss) announces  personnel deployment to us, uk in new exchange policy

Ghana National Service Secretariat has hinted the government’s decision to deploy some national service personnel in Ghana for abroad exchange service.

This announcement was made Armstrong Essah, Director of Corporate Affairs for NSS in an interview on Radio Univers. 

Mixed reactions have poured in following the announcement with many students and some individuals describing it as step in the right direction, others have opined that this is another tool for government in rewarding party loyals

Public Comments on Deployment of National Service Personnel in Ghana for Abroad Exchange Service.

It is going to be another scheme to use this structure as a way of rewarding party loyal. Given the current circumstances even the NSS we have here people who are politically connected get posted where they prefer to gain the kind of skill or knowledge they want. It is one of the ways I think could be abused by politicians, one person remarked.


I am not returning to Ghana. There are no jobs in Ghana currently but in those countries, there are enough so it is easier to gain employment there rather than in Ghana. Another said.

Announcement From Armstrong Essah, Director of Corporate Affairs for NSS

Every single programme and project undertaken by NSS must align with national priorities. For instance, personnel will be deployed and redeployed in areas agreed upon annually by the government and the NSS,


The NSS cannot limit itself to Ghana alone. We have stayed local for too long. National service is a global concept. We are looking to integrate our processes with those of other countries, allowing for personnel exchanges. The host country will provide the same benefits and allowances to our personnel as they do to their own.


When we talk of national service, it’s not only applicable in Ghana. Other continents also do it. US, they have, Nigeria, and the UK, all have it. So we are looking at integrating our processes, our arrangements with some of the national service arrangements in other countries so that we could deploy some of our personnel to those countries we have entered into partnership with them.


Every NSS operation will be streamlined to match public sector processes. Staff grades and promotions will align with public service standards. The data collection and registration processes will also be enhanced, giving personnel a head start, Mr. Essah explained.

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