“I Have Been Receiving Death Threats on My Life for Fighting Galamsey” (Illegal Mining) – Ghana’s Attorney General Godred Dame

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i have been receiving death threats on my life for fighting galamsey (illegal mining) ghana’s attorney general godred dame

The fight against illegal mininng (Galamsey) in Ghana keeps facing fierce opposition as some anonymous individuals have began sending death threats to Ghana’s Attorney General, Godfred Dame

Godfred Dame made this revelation to the general public adding that he could prove with some messages threating to end his life for trying to prosecute individuals involved in the illegal mining activities which have destroyed water bodies and farmlands.

We get such representations all the time, such offers of inducements, and even threats on our life – I can show you many on my phone. It is not just on Galamsey [illegal mining] or financial offences, and even murder. I am the kind that has the tendency not to rely on security, but on certain occasions, I have had to have a review of my security. We get such threats and offers all the time,


We resist them because some of us have to act in accordance to the mandate given us under the law and the constitution of Ghana, he said.

He mentioned that the threats have now been escalated to t Ghanaians should rather see the office of the Attorney General as one that is to help the country and thus must support its course.

I would want an office of Attorney General whose capacity has been effectively built and well harnessed to defend the interest of the state in all matters both home and abroad. People should see the office of AG as the best department in the country. We ought to be an institution which is a star example of success and excellence in the republic, Mr Dame added.

As the Attorney General, he has been at the forefront of prosecuting individuals involved in these activities and working to protect Ghana’s natural resources.

He assured the country to help  battle against the nefarious Galamsey. In his valiant efforts to combat illegal mining, Dame has faced grave threats to his own life. Determined and unyielding, he continues to fight against the plundering of Ghana’s precious resources.

Despite the dangers lurking in the shadows, Dame remains resolute, undeterred by those who seek to silence him. His unwavering commitment to justice and environmental preservation according to the AG has aroused his interest in dealing with persons in Galamsey.

The Attorney General’s relentless pursuit of justice has undoubtedly earned him enemies, but his resolve stands unshaken as he champions the cause against Galamsey, safeguarding Ghana’s future for generations to come.

The issue of Galamsey, or illegal small-scale mining, has been a significant concern in Ghana due to its destructive impact on the environment and communities. The government, including the Attorney General’s office, has taken measures to combat Galamsey and restore environmental integrity.

 Apparently the Galamsey menace in Ghana is  wreaking havoc on the land and its people. It’s a battle have proved futile over the years as the forces of law and order clash with those profiting from this illicit trade. The Attorney General, Godfred Dame, wields his legal sword, cutting through the webs of corruption and bringing down the hammer of justice on the culprits. With fiery determination, he seeks to dismantle the machinery of Galamsey, leaving no stone unturned and no miner unaccounted but the fight is not without its challenges.

The illegal miners, driven by greed, operate in the shadows, evading the grasp of the law. They leave scars on the earth, poisoning rivers, destroying habitats, and endangering lives. Yet, Dame’s resolve remains unshaken. He marshals the legal arsenal, working tirelessly to prosecute offenders and dismantle the networks that sustain this ecological menace. It’s a battle of attrition, a clash between good and greed.

As Ghana rallies behind the Attorney General’s crusade, hope flickers on the horizon. The tide may be turning against Galamsey, inch by hard-fought inch. The land yearns for healing, the communities thirst for justice, and Godfred Dame, the gallant warrior, leads the charge. In this epic struggle, the fate of Ghana’s natural treasures hangs in the balance, and the Attorney General with backing from government may be a beacon of hope amidst the this challenging fight.

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