Salary of The Special Prosecutor Unpaid For About 1 Year and 4 Months

salary of the special prosecutor unpaid for about 1 year and 4 months

News emerging indicates that the Salary of the Special Prosecutor and his workers hasn’t been paid for 1 year and 4 months.

Kissi Agyebeng, the Special prosecutor and workers have worked for 16 months without receiving their salaries and the Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) has described this as unacceptable and very disappointing.

Programmes Manager of the Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII), Mary Awelana Addah, mentioned that this particular issue mustn’t be tolerated all.

Mary Awelana Addah added that she said this government doesn’t walk the talk.

What is going on is just unacceptable and it is disappointing and again you would see that government is doing what we have come to say they do more, speaks to the fact more than acting on them.

The Special prosecutor’s office, created by the President of Ghana, Nana Akuffo-Addo seeks to deal with corruption and its related malfeasances.

The Special Prosecutor however hasn’t commented on this issue yet as many Ghanaians opine that this may lead to the ineffectiveness of his office and staff to discharge their duty due to lack of monetary motivation.

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