Alan Kyerematen Vows to Transform Eastern Region into Research and Innovation Hub

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alan kyerematen tours eastern region

Alan Kyerematen, the presidential flagbearer of the Movement for Change, has unveiled his ambitious plan to position the Eastern Region as Ghana’s leading center for research and innovation if elected president in the upcoming December elections as he tours Eastern Region

Drawing inspiration from successful models like the Research Triangle and Silicon Valley in the United States, Kyerematen envisions leveraging technology to drive national development, with a particular focus on the Eastern Region.

During his market tour of the Eastern Region on Thursday, March 21, Kyerematen reiterated his commitment to this transformative vision, emphasizing the crucial role of the region’s residents in realizing it. He urged the people of the Eastern Region to show their support by turning out in large numbers to vote for him in the upcoming elections, underscoring their pivotal role in shaping the region’s future trajectory.

Pictures of Alan Kyerematen Tours Eastern Region

alan tour of eastern region

Alan tour of eastern region

alan tours eastern

Alan tours eastern

alan tours eestern region

Alan Kyeremanten

Engaging with market women across seven communities—including Nwasam, Kade, Adeiso, Akwatia, Suhum, Asamankesse, and Koforidua—Kyerematen sought to gain insight into the challenges faced by local residents. Throughout his interactions, he highlighted the region’s immense potential for growth and development, particularly in the realm of research and innovation.

Kyerematen emphasized the existing concentration of research centers affiliated with the University of Ghana and outlined plans to capitalize on the region’s abundant land and diverse ethnic demographics to foster a culture of innovation.

Kyerematen’s pledge resonates with his broader vision of positioning Ghana as a hub for technological advancement and economic prosperity. By prioritizing the Eastern Region’s transformation into a research and innovation hub within the West African sub-region, Kyerematen aims to harness the region’s untapped potential to drive sustainable growth and development.

Through strategic investments and collaborative efforts, Kyerematen seeks to propel Ghana forward on the path to progress and prosperity, with the Eastern Region leading the charge towards a brighter future.

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