Cancer – What You Need to Know and its Prevention

cancer what you need to know and its prevention.

Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumors and neoplasms – World Health Organisation.

One defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs; the latter process is referred to as metastasis. Widespread metastases are the primary cause of death from cancer. (WHO)

The problem

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 The most common in 2020 (in terms of new cases of cancer) were:

Breast (2.26 million cases);
Lung (2.21 million cases);
Colon and rectum (1.93 million cases);
Rostate (1.41 million cases);
Skin (non-melanoma) (1.20 million cases); and
Stomach (1.09 million cases).


Key facts

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, or nearly one in six deaths.
The most common cancers are breast, lung, colon and rectum and prostate cancers.
Around one-third of deaths from cancer are due to tobacco use, high body mass index, alcohol consumption, low fruit and vegetable intake, and lack of physical activity.
Cancer-causing infections, such as human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis, are responsible for approximately 30% of cancer cases in low- and lower-middle-income countries.
Many cancers can be cured if detected early and treated effectively.


Preventive Measures (Center For Disease Control)

How to Prevent Cancer or Find It Early

You can lower your risk of getting many common kinds of cancer by making healthy choices. Screening tests can find some cancers early, when treatment works best. Vaccines (shots) can help prevent several kinds of cancer.


Getting screening tests regularly may find breast, cervical, and colorectal (colon) cancers early, when treatment is likely to work best. Lung cancer screening is recommended for some people who are at high risk.



Vaccines (shots) also help lower cancer risk. The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine helps prevent most cervical cancers and several other kinds of cancer. The hepatitis B vaccine can help lower liver cancer risk.


Healthy Choices

You can reduce your risk of getting cancer by making healthy choices like keeping a healthy weight, avoiding tobacco, limiting the amount of alcohol you drink, and protecting your skin.


Protect yourself from the sun

Skin cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer — and one of the most preventable.  Try these tips:
Avoid midday sun. Stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun’s rays are strongest.
Stay in the shade. When you’re outdoors, stay in the shade as much as possible. Sunglasses and a broad-brimmed hat help, too. Cover exposed areas. Wear tightly woven, loose fitting clothing that covers as much of your skin as possible. Opt for bright or dark colors, which reflect more ultraviolet radiation than do pastels or bleached cotton.

Cancer prevention is everyone’s business, Let us make our world a healthy place for ourselves and for the generations to come!

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